Today we have the pleasure to host another popular Dependency Injection framework at the Developers’ Bakery.
Please welcome Kodein-DI and Salomon Brys on stage! Kodein is an acronym for KOtlin DEpendency INjection, a framework to help you handle your dependencies in your Kotlin code (on all the platforms!).
But Kodein is not only a DI framework. There is an entire ecosystem of libraries that can help you such as a DB, a logging library and a mocking framework. In this episode, Salomon is going to tell us how Kodein was born and how the whole Kodein initiative kicked off.
Enjoy the show 👨🍳
Show Notes
- 00.18 Intro
- 01.05 Episode Start
- 01.33 Salomon’s Introduction
- 02.26 Board games & French
- 04.14 What is Kodein?
- 05.49 The Kodein Framework and library naming
- 07.38 What is Kodein Koders?
- 10.08 Kodein vs Dagger
- 12.33 Dagger error messages
- 14.23 Compile-time safety vs Unit-test safety
- 20.51 Testing with Kodein
- 23.08 MockKMP
- 27.57 Kodein vs Koin
- 30.54 The most requested feature
- 33.15 Is Kodein Multiplatform ready?
- 36.53 Upcoming features
- 38.39 Who is maintaining Kodein?
- 41.39 Is Kodein a good project to start doing open-source?
- 43.55 Further reading
- 45.42 Where to find Salomon online?
- Kodein-Framework/Kodein-DI on Github
- Kodein Framework Official Website
- Kodein Framework Official Docs
- Kodein DI Official Docs
- #kodein on Kotlinlang Slack (get an invite here)
- Talks about Kodein
- Other Resources:
- @salomonbrys on Twitter
- @SalomonBrys on Github