Today we have the pleasure to host two amazing guests on stage: Gabriel Ittner and Hannes Dorfmann.

Gabriel and Hannes have been working on FlowRedux, an MVI architecture library for Android and beyond.

FlowRedux offers a beautiful DSL to represent the state machine of your application and is built on top of first class Kotlin API such as Flow and Coroutines.

Join us in this episode where Gabriel and Hannes will walk us through the history and the internals of this library.

Enjoy the show 👨‍🍳

Show NotesPermalink

  • 00.00 Intro
  • 00.45 Episode Start
  • 01.04 Gabriel’s Introduction
  • 01.31 Hannes’ Introduction
  • 01.50 What is FlowRedux?
  • 03.31 Gabriel’s favorite architecture
  • 04.51 DSL & State Machines
  • 07.25 Coroutines, Flow and Kotlin specific features
  • 12.02 How FlowRedux works under the hood?
  • 15.23 What’s the story of this library?
  • 19.49 Why you rewrote yet another MVI library?
  • 22.59 FlowRedux on iOS
  • 25.34 Are you using FlowRedux also at OneFootball?
  • 29.40 How you got involved with Open Source?
  • 31.59 What’s the future for FlowRedux?
  • 36.36 Further reading
  • 38.04 Where people can find you online?


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