A developer podcast about tools, libraries, and productivity. Featuring open-source developers & maintainers sharing their own experiences.
You can find new episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or directly here in the episodes page.
Recents Episodes
Bringing conference schedules to Android and iOS with John O’Reilly and Martin Bonnin
#57 - Qwik UI with Giorgio Boa
25 Apr 2023
Super Fast Frontend Development with Qwik UI and Giorgio Boa
WordPress Translations, Mozilla and Open Source Books with Daniele Scasciafratte
#55 - Homebrew with Mike McQuaid
28 Mar 2023
Into the most popular package manager for MacOS with Homebrew and Mike McQuaid
#54 - conc with Camden Cheek
13 Mar 2023
Structured concurrency in Go with conc and Camden Cheek