A developer podcast about tools, libraries, and productivity. Featuring open-source developers & maintainers sharing their own experiences.
You can find new episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or directly here in the episodes page.
Recents Episodes
#59 - Voyager with Adriel Café
29 May 2023
Navigating between platforms with Voyager and Adriel Café
Bringing conference schedules to Android and iOS with John O’Reilly and Martin Bonnin
#57 - Qwik UI with Giorgio Boa
25 Apr 2023
Super Fast Frontend Development with Qwik UI and Giorgio Boa
WordPress Translations, Mozilla and Open Source Books with Daniele Scasciafratte
#55 - Homebrew with Mike McQuaid
28 Mar 2023
Into the most popular package manager for MacOS with Homebrew and Mike McQuaid